M&A Update – June 27
– CIR / KKR bumped bid from $49.00 to $51.00 (up 4.1%) in response to an unsolicited proposal from a third party to acquire CIRCOR for $52.65 per share in cash. Despite the difference in price, the CIRCOR Board of Directors unanimously concluded after extensive review that the KKR offer was superior because it offered more financing certainty and a clearer and faster path to receiving antitrust approvals, filed HSR June 20, closing Q4
– AEL received proposal from Brookfield Reinsurance for $55.00 per share comprised of $38.85 per share in cash and $16.15 per share in BAM shares
– SSYS received enhanced unsolicited proposal from DDD for $7.50 in cash and 1.3223x shares
– AMED entered into acquisition by UNH for $101.00 cash per share (superior proposal), terminated OPCH deal
– INDT / Centerbridge Partners / GIC delisting notice, closing June 29
– ATVI hearing
– EMBK / Applied Intuition filed DEFM14a, vote July 17, closing Q3
– HMPT tender expires
– TCFC / SHBI delisting notice, closing July 1
– VECT / IRWD satisfied approval condition